A guide to creating the working notebook for AQA A level Drama and Theatre

Mat Walters
Saturday, February 1, 2020

The working notebook is the written section of the devising unit for AQA A level Drama and Theatre, Component 2: Creating Original Drama. It is marked by teachers and then moderated by the exam board. The aim of the working notebook is to document the devising process and it is worth twice as many marks as the actual devised performance. It is worth letting your students know that mark breakdown right at the start of your work on this component. The working notebook is broken down into two sections, each marked out of 20. It should trace the process of devising from the starting point through to the final performance. In terms of format, it can be entirely written (3000 words maximum); a combination of written and annotated material (photographs, sketches, drawings and/or cue sheets) comprising 4/7 A4 sheets up to a maximum of 20; a combination of written and audio/visual recordings (maximum 2000 words and 15 minutes recorded material) or entirely recorded audio/visual (up to a maximum of 20). This guide will focus on the traditional, written approach but the structure and focus are appropriate for any chosen format.

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