Multiplay Drama presents an exhilarating series of expansive plays crafted to captivate and resonate with young audiences. Commissioned by leading UK youth theatres, these productions, penned by both established and emerging writers, showcase excellence and provide numerous roles for young actors. Spanning diverse styles, settings, and themes – from addressing pressing global issues to unraveling historical tales and embarking on space adventures – Multiplay offers a dynamic theatrical experience.
This season's plays, comprising 10 diverse productions, were released in November. The lineup includes ‘As We Face the Sun’ by Kit Witington, ‘A Dream’ by Chris Bush, ‘Horizon’ by Kwame Owusu, ‘Sea Things’ by Hassan Abdulrazzak, ‘Small’ by Holly Robinson, ‘Space Girl’ by Helen Stanley, ‘The Multiverse is Gay!’ by Lewis Hetherington, ‘The Playhouse Apprentice’ by Jessica Swale, ‘The Village’ by Abi Falase and Tatenda Shimiso, and ‘Wellington 24’ by Rachel Harper.
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