The aim of this scheme of work is to prepare students to answer any of the questions that appear in the AQA A level Drama and Theatre written paper
Section C. It is a 5-point plan designed to enable students to develop their analytical skills and use of subject specific terminology.
Section C focuses on performance and design questions relating to one production seen, whether live or streamed/digital theatre. Students have a choice of 4 questions and, so far, the new specification has split them into two acting and two design specific. Questions are marked out of 25 and I am advising my students to spend just under an hour on this section of the paper.
The mark scheme breaks the marks down into 20 for AO4 (analysis and evaluation) and 5 for AO3 (knowledge and understanding of form, style, aims, creation of meaning and interpretation). While that seems like a lot to cover for just 5 marks, it does clearly show that detailed and consistent analysis and evaluation (what was good and why in the context of the question) is the central focus of each question. Students must evaluate the production as they go along.
This scheme of work will use the example of the production of The Woman in Black for an acting question, but all points raised are applicable to any live or streamed production seen, regardless of genre.

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