
Primary playwriting scheme launched by ATG Entertainment and Savoy Theatre

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‘By nurturing the creativity and imagination of young minds, we aim to inspire the next generation of storytellers and playwrights,’ said Savoy Theatre general manager Maxine English on the launch.
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ATG Entertainment has launched a free playwriting programme in collaboration with Savoy Theatre, teaching children in Westminster primary schools how to write their first short play. 

As part of the scheme, up to three staff members per school will receive CPD from a West End teacher. 

Key Stage 2 pupils at 20 schools in the London borough will receive three playwriting workshops from West End practitioners, and at the end of the programme eight shortplays will be selected to be performed on the Savoy stage as part of World Book Day 2025. 

PLAYground, as the programme has been named, will be led by ATG Entertainment West End who will collaborate with schools to form the first primary school activity package. 

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