
Opinion with Vamos Theatre

Publish Date: Edit Date: Theatre History
Making touring theatre greener
 Dead Good cast members Aron De Casmaker and Joshua Patel visit Trees for Life in Scotland
Dead Good cast members Aron De Casmaker and Joshua Patel visit Trees for Life in Scotland - VAMOS THEATRE

Yes, we recycle in the office, but is that really enough?’ This was the conversation in a Vamos Theatre company meeting last summer during the planning for our 2020 UK tour. Vamos Theatre is the UK's leading mask theatre company performing nationwide and delivering 100s of workshops to schools, colleges and universities every year. With the climate emergency upon us we have been making inroads into thinking and acting greener.

So, what has changed? Firstly, we have set up our own tree grove in the Scottish Highlands to help offset the carbon emissions from our current UK tour of our new production Dead Good. Working with conservation charity Trees for Life, the trees will help to rewild the Caledonian Forest, a rich habitat found only in the Scottish Highlands. This grove will include saplings from locally collected seeds including Scots pine willow, birch, hazel and alder. This isn't a quick solution; we are fully aware trees take up to 20 years to mature, but this is a positive springboard for us – we have to start somewhere.

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