Coming to England is the inspiring true story of Baroness Floella Benjamin who travelled from Trinidad to London as part of the Windrush Generation. This scheme explores the story and some of its...
KS 2This scheme of work looks at various aspects of World War II, using two books, 'Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl', and 'When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit' by Judith Kerr, as inspiration. The scheme...
KS 3Helen Cresswell’s Moondial has become something of a children’s classic, having been released both as a book and a TV drama in the 1980s. It is remarkable in that it is at once a book about time...
KS 2This scheme of work is based on the play script of Danny the Champion of the World adapted by David Wood from Roald Dahl’s novel. The play is divided into nine mini-plays that can be stand-alone...
KS 3Julia Jarman’s Time-Travelling Cat books offer a unique way for young people to access history, as they follow heroes Topher and Ka both in modern times and as they travel to other eras. The...
KS 2
Oscar Wilde’s short story provides plenty of room for exploration through drama, in a bite-sized package. A highly accessible literary classic, it is both entertaining and thought provoking.
Introduction This scheme of work looks at the themes of being lost, being missing, of feelings of concern and worry, and builds these themes into a performance of the short story The Night Bus by...
KS 3Tony Bradman takes young readers straight to the heart of Anglo-Saxon Britain, blending historical fact with intriguing fiction to depict the months building up to the Norman invasion. Dramatic,...
KS 2Terry Deary’s Horrible Histories markets itself as ‘history with the gory bits left in’ and it doesn’t disappoint. The irreverent collection of books and the TV series, along with various stage shows...
KS 3This scheme of work takes students on a learning journey that aims to challenge, support and reinforce their writing and creativity at KS3. It explores the story of Blodin the Beast by Michael...
KS 3Clive King's Stig of the Dump is now more than 50 years old, and yet it remains a children's classic. Following the adventures of Barney and Stig, a Stone Age man who lives in a quarry, the book is...
KS 2Krindlekrax, Philip Ridley's touching tale of adventure, imagination, believing in and standing up for yourself, is hugely popular with KS2 students. It is an ideal starting text from which to explore...
KS 2Nina Bawden's The Peppermint Pig won the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize in 1976, and has been considered a children's classic ever since. It is full of down-to-earth humour and gutsy realism and...
KS 2This scheme of work uses the issues raised in Benjamin Zephaniah's novel to inspire students’ own ideas for devised work. The story focuses on a teenage boy who is unwittingly involved in a terror...
KS 4
Roald Dahl's books are adored by adults and children alike, and The Twits is so much fun that it just never gets old!
This scheme of work has been created in the spirit of the book, with a range of...