Schemes of work | Shakespeare

Schemes of work

Fathers, pheasants, and not-so-fast cars: All the drama of Danny, the Champion of the World!

This scheme of work uses a range of games, improvisation and devising exercises, character explorations and discussions to explore some of the key moments and themes in Danny, the Champion of the...

Theatre History
Schemes of work

Exploring Shakespeare's plays and language using three of his major tragedies

This scheme offers a wide range of activities to enable teachers to explore Shakespeare’s plays and his language with KS3 students. It offers ideas on how to work with three texts (Romeo and Juliet;...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Exploration of Shakespeare

The aim of this scheme of work is to give students an introduction to Shakespeare and the opportunity to experience a range of his plays. In each lesson they will look at the plot lines and explore a...

KS 2