Schemes of work | Theatre History

Schemes of work

Fathers, pheasants, and not-so-fast cars: All the drama of Danny, the Champion of the World!

This scheme of work uses a range of games, improvisation and devising exercises, character explorations and discussions to explore some of the key moments and themes in Danny, the Champion of the...

Theatre History
Schemes of work

NT’s Peter Pan: Creating a theatre review and practical exploration

This scheme of work was created during lockdown when all our lessons had to be online and distance learning was taking place. It was adapted as practical lessons were added in as we were allowed to...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Melodrama and commedia dell'arte

The aim of this scheme of work is to allow the students to explore melodrama and commedia dell’arte; they can use a lot of what they learn in their work in a physical way in the future and it helps a...

KS 3
Schemes of work

An introduction to Greek theatre and myths for Year 7

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<p>This scheme of work has the following aims: To provide a brief...

KS 3