Schemes of work | Devising Stimuli

Schemes of work

Coming to England by Floella Benjamin

Coming to England is the inspiring true story of Baroness Floella Benjamin who travelled from Trinidad to London as part of the Windrush Generation. This scheme explores the story and some of its...

KS 2
Schemes of work

Who Cares by Matt Woodhead

This is a two-part scheme of work for secondary Drama teachers, providing opportunities for learning devising skills and drama conventions in the first half; before exploring scripted work by focusing...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Reading the room

Everyone has watched TV and film detectives as they ‘read a room’, searching a crime scene for clues and hints the killer has left behind, interpreting the signs and symbols of the scene for...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Looking at comedy using Billy Liar

Although many students interested in studying drama are quick to seize the opportunity of acting in or devising a comedy, it can be very difficult to get it just right. There is a reason many...

KS 4
Schemes of work

Have a nice day!

Have a nice day' is a common American expression meaning bye, see you later, adios or ciao. It's generally used in a well-meaning way, but can also be sarcastic or a means of saying something less...

KS 2
Schemes of work

Cuckooing: Making a drug gang drama

To call someone ‘cuckoo’ or claim they’re in ‘cloud-cuckoo land’ is to say they’re dotty, obsessive, unrealistic or eccentrically mad, but it now has a new meaning. Popularised in the past decade, the...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Looking at the theme of despair

This scheme of work looks at feelings of despair using a variety of mediums: illustration, music, film and poetry. A loss of all hope is a prevalent theme in drama and literature, and the many ways it...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Characters as seen by others

In general, people struggle to see both themselves and others accurately. In drama, this can be a gift and this scheme of work explores how characters see others, which helps develop the depth of...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Artificial Intelligence

What does it mean to be alive? This scheme of work looks at different types of artificial intelligence, from the robots of old sci-fi comics and films, to the convincing humanoids being developed...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Small-space drama

Many drama teachers are familiar with taking lessons in dining halls, gyms, cramped classrooms, corridors, playgrounds or other unsuitable spaces.
The secret is to make the most of the challenges of...

KS 3
Schemes of work

A guide to creating the working notebook for AQA A level Drama and Theatre

The working notebook is the written section of the devising unit for AQA A level Drama and Theatre, Component 2: Creating Original Drama. It is marked by teachers and then moderated by the exam board....

KS 5
Schemes of work

The Raft of Hope

This scheme takes the form of a mock exam in preparation for BTEC Tech Award Performing Arts Level 1/2, Component 3 ‘Performing to a brief’. The aim of this scheme, on the theme of migration and the...

KS 4
Schemes of work

Verbatim Theatre

By the end of this scheme of work, learners will have understood what Verbatim Theatre is, through a practical exploration of four texts (London Road; Deep Cut; The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later;...

KS 5
Schemes of work

The power of words: Exploring writing through drama

This scheme of work combines drama and creative writing activities, with the aim of creating stories, poems and performance pieces. Drama and creative writing work well together because you can use...

KS 3
Schemes of work


The aim of this scheme of work is to allow the students to explore various stimuli and then let them choose the one that they feel has the most potential. Following this, they will develop a piece of...

KS 4