Drama Game: Desert Island

David Farmer
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Everybody finds a comfortable spot to lie on the floor. Dim the lights if possible. Using a soft and relaxed voice, encourage the students to imagine themselves on a desert island, along the lines of the following text. You can play some sea sound effects if you have any, or some quiet music.

Desert Island
Desert Island


Close your eyes. Let your body begin to relax. Imagine that you are lying on a deserted beach on an island in the middle of the ocean. The sun is warm, but not too hot. You can hear the surf, with waves breaking gently, one after another. The sand is soft and warm. If you like you can move your fingers slowly and feel the sand through your fingers. Stretch your body from head to toe and let go once more.

As you let go of each breath, feel the tension melting away from you. A gentle breeze touches your body and rustles the branches of the nearby trees. Your feet and toes feel relaxed. Your legs feel very relaxed. You feel your breathing slow down. Slow down. Your fingers, hands and arms feel completely relaxed. You are aware of the warmth of the sun and the softness of the sand underneath you. Your whole body feels relaxed, as though it is melting into the beach. Your mind is at peace. Everything is at peace. If any thoughts come to you, you let them float away like clouds in the sky. Imagine a bird flying high in the sky above you. Now imagine you can see yourself from that bird's point of view, lying comfortably on the beach far below.

Depending on the available time, you can let the students lie in silence for several minutes.

Now you feel completely relaxed and refreshed. Become aware once more of your body lying on the beach, and the sound of the waves breaking gently on the shore. Slowly move your fingers and toes in the sand. Stretch your arms and legs. Now slowly roll over onto your right side with your knees pulled in. Take a few breaths before you come to sitting up in your own time.

David Farmer runs www.dramaresource.com – a site that offers a wide range of ideas, games and courses for drama practitioners. He is the author of several books including 101 Drama Games and Activities, from which this game is taken.