It All Starts with Imagination: Stanislavski in Training by Victoria May

Ryan J Williams
Saturday, December 1, 2018

An extremely well-informed and succinct study into Stanislavski. Published by Scripts to Stage

It All Starts with Imagination: Stanislavski in Training
It All Starts with Imagination: Stanislavski in Training

Konstantin Stanislavski's first (and arguably greatest) book, An Actor Prepares, can often feel daunting to students and teachers alike. Its synergetic format of fiction and autobiography forms a textbook of sorts, inviting readers to educate themselves on Stanislavski's system of acting, which consists of both mastering the craft and encouraging actors' creativity.

With An Actor Prepares at its core, this book is a fantastic step into the mind of one of the most influential theatre practitioners of the 20th century. Comprising exercises, tasks and narrative information to help the reader study Stanislavski's system through practising, this book becomes a linear, succinct and informed training programme and scheme of work. In doing so, May takes the reader on an educative, step-by-step tour of Stanislavski's methods.

A notable feature and suggestion of May's is that of keeping a notebook throughout the process. It's a fantastic way of helping the students remember the practises, but to also introduce them to Stanislavski's texts through key quotes.

The only reason this could not be awarded a strong five stars is that there are several minor issues with syntax and grammar but this really is the only negative of the book.

An extremely well-informed and succinct study into Stanislavski, offering an accessible scheme for anyone who is looking for a fresh way to study or deliver his most reputable book on acting.