Schemes of work | PSHE

Schemes of work

Who are you calling disabled?

Watching paralympian athletes, it’s often hard to remember that they are ‘disabled’. But the fact is that people dealing with enormous bodily challenges achieve the most amazing physical and mental...

Schemes of work

Coming to England by Floella Benjamin

Coming to England is the inspiring true story of Baroness Floella Benjamin who travelled from Trinidad to London as part of the Windrush Generation. This scheme explores the story and some of its...

KS 2
Schemes of work

Who Cares by Matt Woodhead

This is a two-part scheme of work for secondary Drama teachers, providing opportunities for learning devising skills and drama conventions in the first half; before exploring scripted work by focusing...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Cuckooing: Making a drug gang drama

To call someone ‘cuckoo’ or claim they’re in ‘cloud-cuckoo land’ is to say they’re dotty, obsessive, unrealistic or eccentrically mad, but it now has a new meaning. Popularised in the past decade, the...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Looking at the theme of despair

This scheme of work looks at feelings of despair using a variety of mediums: illustration, music, film and poetry. A loss of all hope is a prevalent theme in drama and literature, and the many ways it...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Who is the rainforest for?

Who is the rainforest for? is a cross-curricular scheme of work, providing opportunities for exploring Drama, Geography, Science, Literacy and SMSC. It uses the dramatic technique ‘mantle of the...

KS 2
Schemes of work

Characters as seen by others

In general, people struggle to see both themselves and others accurately. In drama, this can be a gift and this scheme of work explores how characters see others, which helps develop the depth of...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Artificial Intelligence

What does it mean to be alive? This scheme of work looks at different types of artificial intelligence, from the robots of old sci-fi comics and films, to the convincing humanoids being developed...

KS 3
Schemes of work

The Raft of Hope

This scheme takes the form of a mock exam in preparation for BTEC Tech Award Performing Arts Level 1/2, Component 3 ‘Performing to a brief’. The aim of this scheme, on the theme of migration and the...

KS 4
Schemes of work


This scheme of work follows the theme of jealousy; the feelings it can create and their possible consequences and ramifications. Students will examine different forms of jealousy and how feeling...

KS 4
Schemes of work

Blodin the Beast!

This scheme of work takes students on a learning journey that aims to challenge, support and reinforce their writing and creativity at KS3. It explores the story of Blodin the Beast by Michael...

KS 3
Schemes of work

The Beauty Manifesto by Nell Leyshon

The Beauty Manifesto by Nell Leyshon was originally commissioned for National Theatre Connections. The play is set in a dystopian future of extreme physical conformity, where teenagers celebrate their...

Plays for Study
Schemes of work

Imaginary Friends

The following scheme of work explores the themes of friendship, isolation, and what the function is of an imaginary friend.
The play used here, Invisible Friends by Alan Ayckbourn, acts as a perfect...

KS 3
Schemes of work

Life is diverse, or is it?

One of our contemporary buzzwords is ‘diversity’ and we are indeed an increasingly diverse nation in terms of gender, ethnicity, faith, politics, ability/disabilities all sharing the same spaces.

KS 3